Parkson GroupIndustry: E-Commerce

Parkson Group

Parkson Holdings Berhad is an Asian-based department store operator across cities in Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar.


  • Entire Purchase Order process was manual
  • Time consuming, erroneous, painful to look up and search for POs
  • Parkson looked around for Off the Shelf products but didn’t find a fit

SolutionsPurchase Order Management System

  • Web based Custom purchase order management system
  • Supports management of multiple companies under parkson group
  • Supports multi department, multi profit center, multi store
  • Integrated with Parkson HR system
  • Automates Purchase Order issuance, verification, approval and invoice matching
  • Dashboard & Reporting capability


  • Client Side – HTML.CSS, JavaScript
  • Backened – Java 8 (Spring MVC Framework), Wildfly 9.0
  • DB – Postgres SQL
How can we help you?

Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information about us.

For the last 12 months, we have worked with Siroi Solutions to develop enterprise-grade services. Throughout this period, we have found Siroi to have a positive can-do attitude and first class technical capability. They are customer-centric and responsive to client demands when they come up.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.

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Campbell Murray
Founder, SouqBox