IntugloIndustry: E-Commerce

Intuglo Case Study

Intuglo is an E-commerce supply chain platform. Their core business is the development and design of innovative technology solutions for micro businesses and SMEs.


  • SMEs struggle to get access to supply chain solutions
    especially to go global
  • Many SMEs suffer growth limitations due to lack or right
    tech enabler
  • Lack of seamless integration between supply chain
    elements like Logistics, Warehouse, QC, Production etc
    increasing overheads, causing waste


  • Supply Chain + Market Place on the cloud
  • Web based collaborative supply chain with market place
    model on the cloud
  • A single platform where SMEs will have access to multiple
    supply chain capabilities; Market validation, Production, QC for
    hire, Online store, Logistics, warehouse, Project management.


  • Front End – HTML5 / CSS3 / JS, Angular4, jQuery
  • Backend – Python APIs on Falcon Framework
  • Backend Server – Gunicorn
  • DB – MYSQL Database
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For the last 12 months, we have worked with Siroi Solutions to develop enterprise-grade services. Throughout this period, we have found Siroi to have a positive can-do attitude and first class technical capability. They are customer-centric and responsive to client demands when they come up.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.

Souqbox Testimonal Logo
Campbell Murray
Founder, SouqBox